Vision: Where there is Justice in land, field and forest!! Every living being will sing and dance…
Objective: Ensuring Congregations in Solidarity with the Poor.
Goal: The marginalized communities, accompanying and supporting their struggler to change policies and practices of institutions and individuals in their favour by joining People’s Organization together to be a critical mass for political process.
By adopting rights-based approach the politics of land, livelihood, food security and social exclusion will be demystified to strengthen community-building processes.
Ensuring Congregations in Solidarity with the Poor.
To empower the identified local congregations on Mission challenges addressing the causes and effects of poverty along with Social Exclusion.
Specific Objectives:
- To identify, equip and empower the 80-congregations of 20 dioceses to become the Agents of Change.
- To equip and enhance the capability of the existing forums of women, youth, Sunday-school Children of the identified 30 congregations of 20 dioceses for building neighborhood community.
- To establish different platforms and forums involving people from different faiths, People’s Organisation for debates, discussions and collective actions to express the solidarity with the poor and oppressed.
- To prepare the contextual liturgy and module for Encountering Ecumenism.
We can reach to our goal by the following steps and process
- Church as an Agent of Change: Share Good News
- Building Neighborhood community: Love Thy Neighbour
- In Solidarity With the Poor: Sam Vedanta.
- To scale up the experiences and learning in Church Mission Engagement through building alliances, linkages and networking with other faith-based organizations.
- Leadership for Social Entrepreneurship and Mission Engagement
DBSS has restarted from Oct 2009. There are two office staffs in the Office of DBSS,DOC. Pankaj Kumar Banswar the Acting Coordinator and Mr. Joseph Nag the Communicative documentation Associate and Accountant (CDAA). The DBSS,DOC works among 4 congregation in its initial stage.
- Puri Oriya Baptist Church, Puri
- Pentakota Telugu Baptist Chuch, Puri
- Baripada Baptist Church, Baripada, Mayurbhanj
- Raikajharan Baptist Church, Baripada, Mayurbhanj
There are 4 nos. of volunteers are selected from the each congregation. Till now the DBSS has reached to identify the potential leaders and trained and oriented them on theological concept of CME and what the Bible says about the social works etc.