Our Project name is Integrated Child Development Programme, Gajapati, Odisha & it was started from 2012. The Diocese of Cuttack, CNI is the partner agency which is implementing the project here in Mohana Block in Gajapati District with the financial support and guidance of Help a Child of India, Chennai. The Mohana Block having 28248 House-hold and 134134 Population in 501 villages from 32 Gram-Panchayat according to Census 2011. During our project period we undertook 17 villages from Mohana block of Gajapati district which undergoes 3 gram-Panchayat ( Adava, Mohana & Govindapur) which is geographically cover by hills and forest where tribal people lives in Small pocket villages.

In Adava Gram panchayat the Total Household is 1236 with a Population of 1461 but we have undertook 137 household with 1186 population as our target area.

Mohana Gram panchayat –Total household is 2235 with a Population of 10320 where as we have undertook 81 household with population of 633 as our target area.

In Govindapur Gram-Panchayat total Household is 1349 with a Population of 5825,but we have target area of 277 household with a population of 2177.

The Community are of Saura, kandhas and harijan including men, Women and Children with no proper communication facility. Our project is focusing on 17 villages from this 3 Gram-Panchayat which consist of 495 household & population of 3996.

Vision: “A little Joy & dignity for all Children as God intended it to be”

Mission: “Compelled by the Love of love of Jesus Christ we strive to create opportunities for vulnerable children and their children and their families to live a life of dignity in a safe environment free from poverty, discrimination and exploitation. We partner with likeminded stake holders in promoting sustainability development, justice and peace.

Core Values: Love, Justice, Compassion, Reconciliation, Stewardship.

Number of Children/youth in our intervention area:

  • (0-18)years-1208(Boys-615,Girls-593)
  • (19-25)years-291(Boys-157,Girls-134)

Target number of youth & Children:

  • (0-7)years- 458(Boys-237,Girls-221)
  • (8-12)years-405(Boys-201,Girls-204)
  • (13-18) years-345(Boys-177,Girls-168)
  • (19-25) years-291(Boys-157,Girls-134)

Number of Child Ambassador: 286

Target Number of Household: 495

sent it in time to HACI.

Staff Involved:

There are 5 number of Office Staff i.e Project Co-Ordinator,Finance Co-Ordinator,SRD Co-Ordinator & 2 no’s Child Development Co-Ordinator. Apart from this in our 17 target village there are 17 animators who look after Academic Support Centre and the Community development.

Project Activities:

Our Project work on a Long term goal as “Quality of life in 17 villages of Mohana Block in Gajapati District is improved Economically, Politicallly & Socially”. We focus mainly on the Children of the target community enjoy the Child rights, target community access basic facilities like Health, Safe drinking water and legal entitlements, Empower the Vulnerable groups in the community, Improve Livelihood of the community.

We run 17 academic support centre in our 17 target village were 17 number of animators are appointed through the key persons of the community and also to work for the community through our project. We have Child development committee,Child Club & village Health Committee for the betterment of the community by the project intervention.

Organisation Activities: 

It is a continual process to capacited training to staff by the management when and where it is necessary,the staff policy is fixed by the management –Diocese of Cuttack if necessary it will be amendment .

Regarding the child protection policy the field staff (Cluster co-ordinator & animators) need same training to implement it in their respective community. It will be helpful and fruitful to the community on protection of the child.

The Diocese of Cuttack,CNI will perform the assessment of the staff half-yearly in a year , if any lacuna found they will arrange a special orientation program to develop the skill of the staff for the particular concern area.

Finance and Administrative Plan:

The Diocese of Cuttack, Church of North India is our management body to appoint an internal auditor to verify and audited the book of accountant and rectify it before external audit.

Every year statutory audit is conducted by the Chartered Accountant which is selected by the management. All the audit statement for the financial year is sent to financial department of HACI through our Contact person. The Contact Person (PO) is the main focal person between HACI(REK)& project (DOC).

The PO verify the project is properly following the guideline send by HACI(REK) and the budget-line properly followed by the Project. He also receives the quarterly report of finance from the project check and verifies and sent it in time to HACI.