Priorities for the first decade of the 21st century

1. Re-juvinating Pastoral Ministry :

  • To rediscover the identity and unity of CNI.
  • To build worshipping communities with adequate pastoral care.
  • To mobilize resources for support of Presbyters in the dioceses.
  • To develop alternate form of ministry.

2. Evangeliswithout for costlym within and  discipleship :

  • Spiritual revival within worshipping communities.
  • Embodying and exhibiting exemplary life-style.
  • To become a missionary congregation.

3. Re-structuring the structure :

  • To recapitulate and implement the voice of people expressed through different Commissions, Boards for re-visioning episcopacy, revising constitution and  decentralizing administration.
  • Ensuring transparency and accountability in all levels.

4. Ministry of Service :

To help the marginalized communities for access to service : education, social and health care through different wings and institutions of CNI Synod and the Dioceses.

5. Solidarity with subaltern :

To express our solidarity in concrete acts with the subaltern : Women, Children, Differently able, Elderly, Tribal and Dalits.

6. Healing Communities :

To create healing communities through inter-faith and intra-faith initiative for common action.

7. Equipping God’s People for Participatory Learning Process :

  • To reaffirm and reformulate theological education for ministerial formation.
  • To train the laity for ministry of witness and service.
  • To facilitate ongoing in-service training.