DOCTA is the registered trust and a religious charitable company to safe guard the diocesan property. During the time under consideration through DOCTA the diocese is able to pay 30 lakhs which was promised to the diocese of Phulbani at the time of its formation. The Registrar cum Treasurer of the diocese is monitoring the fund flow, the timely audit and interest of the diocesan property.
With in the last three years maintenance and strategy has taken a focused place in development agenda . Steps are taken towards registration of property and strengthening the security by forming trusts. The Diocese is indebted to Advocate B.D. Das for his insight and zeal for achieving the desired goal . Now a manager is appointed to take care of the Diocesan property. Through God’s grace the Diocese received favourable result in-related court cases. The case of “Lal Girja”, Balasore is still pending.